Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Matrix

The movie Matrix i really liked because it had a lot of things that had to do with choices and i think this movie made think and realize that i should choose my decisions wisely and not make
that many mistakes. The part I liked about in the movie is when Neo goes back
and saves his (boss) Morfious, i think that is something really brave and outstanding.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The movie Brazil didn't really attract me because i really didn't get what was going on in the movie or who was important and who i had to pay attention to. I can't really relate nothing to my personal life because the fact that i didn't get the movie. There was a couple of parts that i kind of like, like when the guy Buddle went to look for the girl that he was dreaming about and that loved but in his dream. I though that was crazy because he saw the women he loved in his dream and saw her in real life i wish that would of happen to me too.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a really good movie to watch and learn about. I personally liked it a lot my self and has been the fist heart touching movies i have ever seen that i liked a lot. What i really like about the film is the little kid named David and how he acts on the movie. From watching this movie it really made me think about my mom and thank god that i still have my mom.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Blade Runner

What really interest me in the movie i watch today was the guy not killing the girl that he loved.
What interest me about that is that he had the heart to not kill the girl he loved even though she was like a clone and was not a real person. He was asked to kill the girl because she was not part of the world and was not a human being like others.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Soylent Green

What strikes me about this film is the people and how they live there lives in the streets. It shocks me how there is people sleeping everyone for example in the stair ways, outside houses and just over all people sleeping everywhere. But what most interested me is what the food was made out of which is people. People in the streets been eating human beings mostly the whole time thinking it is Soy lent Green. This film em spires me in to not giving up because the reason to that is because the guy named Thorn does not give up on the investigation he is suppose to find which is about the Soy lent Green.